Bathrooms Need To Be Cleaned Regularly. Here's Why

Most of us can be pretty lazy when it comes to housework. We’ll put off vacuuming and washing the mountain of dishes in the sink. But the one room that you can’t afford to delay cleaning is the bathroom.

Why Do You Need to Clean the Bathroom Regularly?

Your bathroom requires daily surface cleaning and should be washed out thoroughly at least once a week. This is to prevent the spread of infection and illness, particularly among little children and people who are already unwell and prone to getting sick easily. Some common issues that arise from an unclean bathroom include:

Breathing Problems

Not cleaning the bathroom regularly leads to the formation of mould and dust. This can cause breathing difficulties for people with pre-existing breathing problems like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

The Spread of Viruses & Diseases

Microorganisms and bacteria survive and grow as long as your bathroom isn’t being cleaned on a regular basis. This is why you need to clean your bathroom daily with antiseptics. This can include commercial cleaners or even home solutions like a vinegar solution. Clean the toilet, tub, and sink as well as the faucets since these are the places that you use most frequently and are the ones that are most likely to accumulate bacteria.

Not cleaning your bathroom frequently can cause stomach viruses like salmonella or E. Coli and other viruses like athlete’s foot and so on. Older people are particularly susceptible to such problems since their immune system is weaker.

What Does Regularly Cleaning Your Bathroom Include?

Cleaning your bathroom should be a daily habit. This requires more than just mopping up water from the floor. It also includes:

  • Washing the bathroom mat at least once a week (if you have one).
  • Cleaning the toilet daily with an antibacterial cleaner.
  • Washing your shower curtain at least once a month.
  • Scrubbing the shower or bathtub every few days. Remember to clean thoroughly in the corners to prevent the formation of mould.
  • Putting in fresh towels regularly. This includes the hand towels since damp towels are a breeding ground for bacteria, and because they come in direct constant with your skin, the transfer of germs and diseases is instant. After every use, it’s a good idea to air dry your towel.
  • Wiping down the basin sinks and faucets with disinfectant daily.
  • Wiping the dust off the bathroom mirror and cabinets almost daily.
  • Cleaning out hair and lint collected inside your hairdryer.

Safety Concerns

Apart from cleaning your bathroom regularly, it’s important to keep it clutter-free. Even if you like having something to read while you’re in the bathroom, avoid keeping any magazines there. They can slide onto the floor and may accidentally cause you to slip. Apart from this, some other items you should avoid using or keeping in the bathroom are:

  • Bathmats and rugs – these can cause you to trip and can also accumulate water, which can lead to the growth of mould and bacteria.
  • Tub mats – while most tub mats have suction cups to keep them stuck to the floor, they can come loose if some water gets under them and may make you slip as you’re getting into or out of the tub.
  • Sprays – if you’re using a disinfectant or deodorant to clean up any smell and germs in the bathroom, make sure you spray when no one is using the bathroom because they can be quite annoying if you inhale them.

Bathrooms need to be cleaned regularly. While it does require a fair bit of effort, you’re keeping yourself and everyone living with you safe from getting ill. If you have children and people of old age in the house, the cleaning job needs to be more thorough. Even if it’s just you, make sure to use antibacterial liquids to clean your bathroom daily to avoid any infections.